21 Resources for Emotional Health During Coronavirus Times

As feelings escalate, it’s time for more Emotional Intelligence

As the virus continues, millions of people are in a health and.or economic crisis… and billions are grappling with emotional and mental challenges from uncertainty and isolation.  Just in the US, 60% of people are experiencing daily stress and worry (Gallup). Loneliness is increasing. Wellbeing is declining – especially for people in marginalized communities.

We’ve collected recommended articles and resources for the emotional side of wellbeing — Coronavirus stress, anxiety reduction, ways to use emotions intelligently. We’ll keep updating this list, and please add your suggestions in the comment.


Stress & Anxiety Resources for COVID-19

What are stress & anxiety, and how does emotional intelligence help? One of our “Key Topics” pages, you’ll find a brief, practical introduction plus curated resources and tools on How to Deal with Stress & Anxiety with EQ.


Understanding stress provides insight on how to “bust it” — here’s some background on stress and emotional wellbeing in the pandemic, plus a “baker’s dozen” (13) tips for how to feel better in these challenging times.


Uncertainty often leads to anxiety, and the pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty. Here’s useful research about how we typically respond to the unknown, and strategies for using emotional intelligence to do better.


Anxiety is a feeling of generalized threat. It can cause us to shut down. One key antidote is reconnecting with our own sense of purpose.

One reason the emotional reactions to Covid-19 are so strong is that STRESS is already so high. Here’s a quick insight into the neuroscience of stress and why we become so volatile.

When fear rises, we tend to get into short-term thinking. Yet it’s times of great challenge when our essence becomes more clear. 

Hope & Optimism Resources for COVID-19

Optimism is more essential than ever when we’re facing big challenges. Martin Seligman’s 3 Ps offer a simple framework to test your mindset.

3 Habits to Maintain Hope in the Face of Adversity

SEL pioneer Anabel Jensen offers 6 practical tips to make the best out of this challenging situation. Hint: you can do them today!

6 Tips for Making the Best of Your Reality

One simple trick has been found to lessen the intensity of emotions on a molecular level. In this time of big feelings, it’s an essential skill.


At Six Seconds, we say, “Exercise Optimism.” It’s hard work, and can feel impossible. But the three bridges will help shift perspective.

Can adversity be a gift? Josh Freedman discusses how challenging times can be a catalyst for growth, with Anabel Jensen.

Feeling stuck? Joshua Freedman offers some self-coaching tips for using imagination and emotions to break through.

General Resources for Emotional Wellbeing and COVID-19

Part of emotional intelligence is tuning into the full range of our feelings, even when it’s hard. In this week’s EQ for COVID19 video is about finding new perspectives.

What is the role of emotions in change? How are you feeling in the middle of change? Big feelings are everywhere. Why? What do emotions like fear do, and is there a better way to understand and handle feelings in the midst of change?

Parenting Resources for Emotional Wellbeing and COVID-19

The pandemic has only increased our kids’ reliance on technology, which makes these 5 tips more important than ever:

Kids & Screen Time: 5 Practical Tips for Parents

As we spend countless hours together as a family, these collaborative parentings tips can be invaluable.

Fights Well with Others: Tips for Collaborative Parenting

As rewarding is it is, parenting can be extremely frustrating. Here’s a fun 90-second video about using empathy to be the parents we mean to be:

Want Less Conflict with Your Kids? Try Empathy

Emotional Intelligence Resources 

Joshua Freedman
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