Intro to EQ in Education Intro to SEL EQ in Higher Education Benchmarks for SEL Pioneers in SEL SEL research Bibliography & Articles Grants for Research School Case eBook SEL Curriculum & Resources Free POP-UP Festival Self-Science Curriculum Know, Choose,...
It all began about 2,000 years ago when Plato wrote, “All learning has an emotional base.” Since then, scientists, educators, and philosophers have worked to prove or disprove the importance of feelings. Unfortunately, for a large part of those two millennia, common...
Since the 1995 publication of Daniel Goleman’s international bestseller Emotional Intelligence, Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, a global movement has developed to bring “EQ” into practice in businesses, schools, and communities around the...
The Neural Power of LeadershipDaniel Goleman on Social Intelligence and how Emotions Are Key to Leadership Why should leaders care about feelings? In 1995 Daniel Goleman sent a wave of hope around the world by presenting the groundbreaking science of Emotional...
Daniel Goleman has been enthusiastically spreading the word about EQ since his landmark book Emotional Intelligence was published in 1995. He continues to write prolifically on the subject including a business-focused book titled Primal Leadership, and his most recent...
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